General Terms & Conditions
New members are welcome to join at any time during the season or term subject to availability. Class fees shall be prorated for the remaining weeks. Your child may permanently swap a class or move up to another class at any time in the season subject to class availability. We do not offer free trials at after school clubs or camps but can arrange for a one off paid trial on request.
Refunds are not given for classes that have already occurred. Future classes are non-refundable except in exceptional circumstances such as leaving the school. We may be able to arrange credit against future clubs/camps upon request.
Class cancellation by DFY
DFY reserves the right to cancel classes or camps due to the occurrence of an unforeseeable event i.e. government lockdown, Covid outbreak on premises, restricted access to DFY facility etc. If this occurs, we will replace face to face activities normally taking place face to face with an online offering. If DFY activities move online our standard terms and conditions apply.
DFY reserves the right to cancel clubs if there are less than 10 children booked in. In the event of cancellation by DFY, a full refund will apply.
General Policies
Parental/Carer Responsibilities
We make every reasonable effort to ensure the safety of children in our classes. Parents/Carers are responsible for the safe entry and exit of their children from the property. No responsibility is taken for personal belongings within any area of our premises.. Due to allergies, we ask you please not to bring nuts onsite, other items may be added to this list at the discretion of management.
If you or your child need any assistance in the class, please email us on josie@dfy.org.uk with details of what you require prior to the class and we would be happy to give you a call to discuss. Please ensure that you inform DFY of any medical or behavioural challenges your child may face. This will help us to best support them in class.
Behavioural Issues
If a child is being disruptive, destructive, or dangerous to themselves, other children, or staff members during class or special events, we will make every effort to work with parents and the child in question to resolve this behaviour. If the behaviour persists or other undesired behaviours develop, the child in question will be asked to take a break from the class or event. If the behaviour continues on return to the class then the child may be permanently excluded.
Children must wear sports clothing and sports shoes or barefoot to maximise safety and freedom. Jewellery, food and chewing gum are not permitted in the class. We would advise against children wearing dresses, skirts, jeans or tights so they are not limited to any of the skills to be followed. Children should bring suitable clothing for outdoor sports during the Winter months.
DFY academy Terms & Conditions
Parental/Carer Responsibilities
The parent user guide for DFY Academy can be found here : Parent Guide
Parents are welcome to stay and watch their childrens sessions and are encouraged to stay at matches and support but must follow the DFY Academy and FA guidelines for appropriate behaviour. Anyone found to be flouting these guidelines will receive a warning. Repeat behaviour will result in parents being asked not to attend matches.
All children must be wearing shin pads and appropriate footwear for either grass or astroturf pitches. DFY Academy kit can be purchased here https://www.dfy.org.uk/dfy-academy-shop
Sign ups
DFY Academy season runs from September to April and signing up constitutes an agreement to pay for the whole season whether by instalments or in one upfront payment.
DFY Academy operates a no refunds policy.
CamP Terms & Conditions
Camp Bookings
Camps must be booked in advance. If there is availability on-the-day bookings can be accepted. Camp fees must be paid at the time of booking.
Cancellations & Refunds
Camps are non-refundable. In particular, as a result of recent circumstances, staff scheduling is determined in advance and therefore cannot be adjusted for cancellations.
DFY reserves the right to cancel camps if there are less than 18 children booked into the camps for that week. In the event of cancellation by DFY, a full refund will apply.
Camp Observation
To optimise health & safety, and safeguarding for all children, carers and teachers, DFY camps are strictly drop off only. Parents, siblings and guests are not permitted to remain on the premises.
We make every reasonable effort to ensure the safety of children at the camp. Parents/guardians are responsible for the safe entry and exit of their children from the property. No responsibility is taken for personal belongings within any area of our premises, including the car park and buggy store.
Behavioural Issues
If a child is being disruptive, destructive, or dangerous to themselves, other children, or teachers we will communicate with parents and the child to resolve this behaviour. If the behaviour persists or other undesired behaviours develop, the child will be asked to take a quiet break. If the behaviour continues, we will notify the parent and a decision will be made on whether the child needs to temporarily take a break from camp. No refunds or credits can be provided in this instance. We reserve the right to refuse entry to camp if we suspect a child is unwell. No refunds or credits can be issued for children unable to attend their camp.
Children must wear sports clothing, sport shoes and/ or be barefoot to maximise safety and freedom in the sessions. No jewellery or food in the classes. Earrings must be taped. Please no dresses, skirts, jeans or tights. Children should bring a ‘Kit Bag’ for their belongings at camps. Children should bring suitable clothing for outdoor sports in all weathers.
Food & Refreshments
Please ensure your child brings a water bottle marked clearly with their name, and a healthy snack. Please ensure there are NO NUTS.
Safeguarding policy
Click on the following link to view:
Specific Terms & Conditions for Infectious
Diseases and Covid-19
Infectious Diseases
There may be inherent risk of exposure to, and contracting, infectious diseases including but not limited to influenza & Covid-19 from your child’s participation and attendance, and the attendance of your family members, at DFY. You confirm that you understand the risks of exposure, and hereby waive any and all claims of liability and agree to release and hold harmless DFY in the event that any infectious disease is believed to have been contracted, or members of your family are believed to have been exposed to infectious diseases, through your presence at DFY’s facility or your child’s participation in activities at DFY.
Force Majeure
DFY shall not be held liable for failure or delay in the performance of its obligations regarding DFY’s services if such performance is delayed or hindered by the occurrence of an unforeseeable act or event which is beyond the reasonable control of DFY ("Force Majeure Events"). Acts or events constituting Force Majeure Events shall include, but not limited to, Act of God, government intervention, directives, policies, change in the law, epidemic and/or pandemic, natural disaster, strikes, war or terrorism. The party affected by a Force Majeure Event shall notify the other as soon as reasonably practicable after commencement of a Force Majeure Event.”
Customer Public Health Obligations
We follow strict health and safety guidelines to protect our customers, staff, and the local community. In line with guidance from Public Health England, we ask that any child with a fever of 37.7 or higher stay home and refrain from joining classes, camps or birthday parties.
Parents must keep children home from classes or camps if they have cold or flu symptoms, including but not limited to a fever, headache, nasal congestion, rash, cough, extreme fatigue or any other sign of illness. If children develop signs of illness during classes or camps, parents will be called and children must be collected as soon as possible by parents. We reserve the right to refuse entry to classes or camps if we suspect a child is unwell. No refunds can be provided for cancelled or unattended classes, camps or birthday parties subject to manager discretion.
If you or a member of your household, or a person with whom you have had recent contact (including track and trace), develops Covid-19, please notify DFY immediately and your family must refrain from joining classes or camps for 10 days from the point of exposure or diagnosis in order to protect our customers, staff and the local community. No refunds can be provided for cancelled or unattended classes or camps.