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Join our clubs! Join our team! listen to our podcast! BOOKINGS ARE NOW OPEN ***
DFY is the charity of the sports agency International Sports Consulting.
Our mission was born out of a desire to level the playing field for the next generation. Our strategy is to engage with disaffected or disenfranchised kids who don't have access to the springboards that give others a head start in life, and help equip them with the mental skills to realise their full potential.
Our visioN

OuR Mentors
Using some of the best sporting talent in the country as our DFY ambassadors and role models, we bring children unrivalled leadership, mentoring and coaching into the classroom and out on the field.
This formula has been proven to add confidence, communication and conflict resolution ability, team play, and sportsmanship as well as result in less truancy and increased engagement in school.